Thursday, May 22, 2008

my teacher

my mother, also known as the school teacher that NEVER quits, has informed me there are 2 t's in MUTT. Mentally change all the Muts in the previous post to MUTTS.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

101 Dal--um Labradors--err MUTS!

I would like to start this blog by stressing the importance of responsible dog ownership. If you can not care for a dog, keep a dog confined to your OWN YARD, should not be a dog owner. Yesterday, Delta (our full blooded beautiful black lab), gave birth to what appears today to be 10 (yes T E N) MUTS!

To add a little big of history to the story......
About 2 months ago a black dog kept digging under our fence and coming into our backyard. We would chase him out daily, fill the hole, block it up with bricks etc. Unfortunately for Delta, we are responsible dog owners who not only have her confined to a fenced backyard, but also have her on an electric shock collar with an invisible fence that surrounds our entire front and back yard. It's unfortunate for her since she could not escape the advances of this nasty mix-breed mut that has violated my sweet dog!

Fast forward 2 months, yesterday we have the birth of what I thought was 8-9 puppies (they are all up in her dog house with her) but have been told by my MIL and FIL which investigated today, that there are actually 10 puppies!

I have mixed emotions about all of these little muts. As a dog lover, I would like to do what I can to help Delta out with the puppies. As a realist with 2 kids, a full time job, and LOTS of other activities, I've decided not to interfere with them at all. Of course since they are muts, they will all thrive for 15 years with no shots or special treatment!

Mark your calendars for JUNE 30th!
On this day, 10 muts will need a good new loving home to go to!

PS- If anyone in Bay Branch Estates knows the owner of a black german shepard mix male dog, please email me at I have 10 reasons to slap them in the face!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Kids Would Live Outside

If given the choice, I'm certain my children would choose to live outside. They stayed outside for 3 hours today after we got home from the office. They took their supper outside to "eat with Delta". (I'm sure Delta loved the smell of pizza just 3 inches from her nose only on the other side of a fence....and an electric shock collar) I showed them a few weeks ago how to catch a jack and now they are obsessed and have small sticks and pine straw stuck in every hole in our backyard. Oh, you don't know what a jack is?'s a small little worm that lives in a hole. They have a pincher type thingy on their head and if you stick pine straw down in their hole they will push it out, when you see the pine straw moving, you snatch it out real quick and they'll be hanging on to the end of it. I tried to search the internet for a picture of one but apparently in places other than south Alabama, they are called something else other than a "jack". Oh PS- if you want to search for "jacks" and you also search "hole" (since that's where they live) make sure to have your filter on google or you'll get some pictures you might not want to see!

So after eating pizza, taunting Delta, running around for 3 hours sticking all the straw they could find in every hole, this is what the nasty pigs looked like:

I got a new toy!

Gaze your eyes upon the newest addition to the Kinsey household:

The Canon EOS Rebel XTi
Yes, a new camera in all it's 10.1 million resolution pixels glory! And you just *thought* I sent out a lot of Shutterfly albums! I'm still playing around with it and learning the features. I've had a lot of help from Kiri Photobucket ARRGGG!
We're thinking about taking a photography know, in all of our spare time!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Come Join us Tomorrow Night!

Tomorrow night is Relay for Life of the Eastern Shore. I hope everyone would come join us! Corner of Co. Rd. 13 and Whispering Pines....Opening Ceremony is at 6:30!